New Commitment: 10,000 steps

My First 12 Days of Habit Tracking: A Commitment to 10,000 Steps

In my first 12 days of habit tracking, I’ve noticed a significant change: I’ve been glancing at my Garmin app and watch more often. One trend quickly stood out—my step count plummets on the weekends. Over the last four days, I didn’t hit the 10,000-step milestone even once.

That realization didn’t sit well with me. So, I’m making a commitment: 10,000 steps every day, starting with a morning walk or run.

Here’s why I’m committing to this habit:

  1. Start My Day on the Right Foot
    A morning walk or run sets a positive tone for the day, helping me establish my identity as a healthy, fit person.

  2. Increased Calorie Burn
    The extra movement contributes to my daily calorie expenditure, which aligns with my fitness goals.

  3. Enjoy the Satisfaction of 10,000-Step Notifications
    There’s a surprising amount of motivation in seeing that 10,000-step achievement pop up on my Garmin watch.

  4. Boost My VO2 Max
    Consistent physical activity, including walking and running, improves cardiovascular health and enhances my VO2 max—a key indicator of fitness.

Why 10,000 Steps?

It’s worth noting that there’s nothing inherently magical about the 10,000-step benchmark. It originated as part of a marketing campaign for a Japanese pedometer in the 1960s—more of an arbitrary goal than a scientifically backed protocol.

Still, it’s a useful way to stay accountable. While activities like playing an hour of basketball or running a few intense miles might burn more calories and provide greater cardiovascular benefits, those can be less accessible on a daily basis. Walking 10,000 steps, on the other hand, is simple, sustainable, and perfect for breaking up periods of sitting throughout the day.

Embracing the Outdoors

During the winter months, this habit has an added bonus: it gives me an opportunity to spend more time outside, even on chilly days.

Starting my mornings with a walk or run is a small step (pun intended!) toward consistency and better health. Here's to creating momentum—one step at a time.

Links Added:.

  1. VO2 max:
  2. 10,000-step origin: Linked to a research article about the origin of 10,000 steps.


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